The Smart eCommerce Magento Solution
Magento 2.4.x, 2.3.x Ready

Theme Options
Easy to change theme elements styles: theme color, category page, product page styles...
Attribute Search
Powerful search for any car parts website. Easy to set your own attribute to include into your search.
Product Filters
Create a product ajax filter with specific condition: Price, Manufacture, Color, Year, Model.
Mega Menu
You can create an elegant effective menu for your online store without having to know much how to code.
Ajax Cart
The theme supports ajax cart pro that users don't need to go product view page for adding product to cart.
Ajax Quickview
Convenient product quickview which allows customers view full product information in a popup window without leaving the current pages.
Ajax Compare
This feature is wonderful for those who want to compare 2 or more same type of products, or any product they want.
Ajax Wishlist
The Magento theme also supports Wishlist feature that will make your online store be more stronger.
1 Click Install Sample Data
Import any demo from the live preview with the one-click demo importer. Quickly & Eeasily.
Product Custom Tabs
Allows you to listing your products in tabs by variety criteria, increasing the usability of your business.
RTL Ready
BzoSmart is Magento multilingual ready, so you can easily create a website in Right-to-left language.
CMS Templates
The theme comes with well-designed inner pages for Blog, Contact us, About us... You can import them from theme option.
Grid/List View
BzoSmart comes with grid view and list view for product listing page. It is really easy to switch between them.
Google Fonts
Not happy with only one or two fonts? Choose a font from Google's Web Fonts collection.